[Chronique] The gargoyle hunters by John Freeman Gill VO

Nombre de tomes : /
Genre :
Edition :
Alfred A. Knopf (Epreuves non-corrigées)
Date de sortie :
mars 2018
Edition :
Pages :  338 pages
Ma Note : ★★★★★
Où le trouver : Cliquer sur l’image ci-dessus

Both his family and his city are crumbling when thirteen-year-old Griffin Watts stumbles headlong into his estranged father’s illicit architectural salvage business in 1970s Manhattan. Griffin clambers up the façades of tenements and skyscrapers to steal their nineteenth-century architectural sculptures—gargoyles and sea monsters, goddesses and kings. As his father sees it, these evocative creatures, crafted by immigrant artisans, are an endangered species in an age of sweeping urban renewal.

Desperate for money to help his artist mother keep their home, and yearning to connect with his father, Griffin fails to see that his father’s deepening obsession with preserving the treasures of Gilded Age New York endangers them all.

As he struggles to hold his family together and build a first love with his girlfriend on a sturdier foundation than his parents’ marriage, Griffin must learn to develop himself into the man he wants to become, and discern which parts of his life may be salvaged—and which parts must be let go.


J’adore les épreuves non corrigées, du coup quand j’ai vu ce petit chou à Brooklyn avec cette superbe couverture et qui en plus se passe à New York, j’ai sauté sur l’occasion.

Et bien finalement je suis assez déçue, car il ne se passe pas grand chose (c’est peu le gros problème avec les contemporains je trouve).

L’histoire se passe donc à New York, et on voit bien que c’est une personne qui aime cette ville, une personne qui y a passé son enfance et qui ne pourrais vivre ailleurs tellement l’attraction de cette ville est forte. On a des descriptions d’architectures superbes, qui nous font entrer dans le monde New Yorkais avec passion.

Le personnage principal se nomme Griffin, et il est âgé de 13 ans et bien il est rare d’avoir un personnage aussi mâture et calme face aux événements, j’avais vraiment l’impression que c’était un adulte, après cela vient peut-être du faite que Griffin raconte l’histoire en étant plus âgé.

Les citations The gargoyle hunters

✿ Everyone knew that New York was the most crime-ridden, unruly, and graffiti-blasted place in America. A lot of us were even a little proud of that distinction. But there was still an  awful lot about my hometown that was obscure to me at the same time.

✿ New York puts you in your place. It’s bigger than you, and more important. It’s older than you, and newer, too. It’s more than you: more towering, more gutter-level; more striving, more complacent; more hurried, more arrived; more refined, more depraved; more timeless, more late for dinner reservation.it has a lot of moving parts, and countless immovable ones. And it doesn’t care if you have a relationship with it or not.

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